About the Project

General principles 

"Reksio and the Pirates' Treasure Remastered Edition" is a fan project aimed at creating new and refurbished content within the "Reksio Adventures" game series. What does this mean? It involves both replaying known and beloved games and creating entirely new stages and elements. The first stage involved creating a game in Early Access form, based on the demo version of the game "Reksio and the Pirates' Treasure." Further development plans involve supplementing the content to ultimately create a complete fan-made game based on the first installment in the Reksio Adventures series.

The game is created 'by fans, for fans.' We want the series to remain popular for as long as possible and be enjoyed by as many people as possible.


When will it be possible to play the RiSP Remastered Edition? 

The game is currently in the Early Access phase. You can download it to your Windows computer and play the content that has been made available so far. Unfortunately, the final product will still need a lot of time before it sees the light of day.

Certainly, however, it won't be an easy task. We will require potential members to have skills at least comparable to ours. Click here, and go to the form.

If it fits the vision we are creating, then yes! We aim to present a cohesive game that can captivate everyone. Click here and go to the form.

Graphics are not upscaled using artificial intelligence but drawn entirely from scratch based on the originals. For this reason, we can afford flexibility in resolution. New graphics are prepared to match a maximum resolution of 4K 16:9.

"Yes! Each save slot will allow you to specify the difficulty level, which can be changed from the menu if needed. We will expand known challenges with various solutions depending on the difficulty level, so that every player can experience new content."

Software Legality Control 'You Copy, You Lose' will be possible to enable in the game options. If it's turned off (by default), Mr. Policeman will be found on one of the boards on vacation.

The game engine is Unity. All graphics are created in Photoshop and Fresco, and the cutscenes are made in After Effects.