Rex Adventures' HUB

Our website is transforming into a HUB for the Adventures of Rex community!
22 May 2024 by
Rex Adventures' HUB
Przygody Reksia Remastered, MRX

We have been thinking about expanding our website for a long time. From the very beginning, we wanted to build an online hub for Rex's adventures. Some people noticed that the Remaster's website had the address  przygody-reksia.plyet it was dedicated solely to our project. This was not accidental. Today, our idea sees the light of day. Presenting to you, the Adventures of Rex HUB!

What is HUB?

The HUB is a place where we centralize the fandom. Until now, there hasn't been a single, accessible location where all aspects of the fandom could be found. Our website will serve exactly this function. Here, we gather links to various places connected with the Rex Community. 

The website is designed with maximum accessibility in mind, catering to both new members interested in the Adventures of Rex and seasoned fans. We are positioning it to appear at the top of the Google Search Engine as often as possible. Accessibility and a low entry barrier are our main goals. 

Just save one page in your browser to have all the fandom links at your fingertips!

As of the time of writing this article, the HUB is a single 'scroller' page, divided into three categories: 

  • Games
  • Community
  • Community creators

This division allows for quick navigation from topic to topic. It's worth noting that the current layout and content on the page are evolving and will certainly change in the future. Over time, we will add more links, and the HUB will enable access to an even larger portion of the Rex community.


Along with the work on the HUB, we decided to translate the entire website into English to provide easier access to content for non-Polish speakers. To change the language, simply select the appropriate flag on the top navigation bar of the website.

Our top priority is ensuring access to the games

The main part of the Adventures of Rex community revolves around the games, so we aim to increase their accessibility. From now on, at the very top of the HUB, you will find an Archive where you can download all the original games in the series, as well as the Remaster of Pirate's Treasure. In the future, we will expand the list with additional titles by collaborating with other creators of fan-made game projects.

At the same time, we've initiated our first collaboration with Ko-Ko-Kompany! On the website There's a link to our HUB, making navigation between pages faster.. 

Without the community, there are no Adventures of Rex!

Another pillar of the Fandom is the community gathered around the games. Through the HUB, you can access the Facebook Group, Discord, Forum, and the Rexipedia. Below, there are also links to creators within our community. Players keep the community alive, so it's worth highlighting them and providing a new way to reach out. Currently, the list is far from complete and requires filling in. At the bottom of the page, we've placed a form where creators can submit their information to be featured on the HUB.

We have high hopes that the HUB will expand our community and facilitate easier navigation. We're doing this for you!

Rex Adventures' HUB
Przygody Reksia Remastered, MRX 22 May 2024

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